What are the new entrants in the global media landscape? How did the pandemic change everything - and what's happening now?

We answer these questions and more, in a report on the essential media and marketing trends to know.

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You'll be able to track the shift from online to offline, and get to know typical usage patterns.

With charts and key stats, find out the balance of media reach across all the important channels.

And with deep dives into TV, gaming, music, and news habits, understand the current picture of how we spend our media time.

What's inside the report?

Discover how consumers are using media - both online and offline - and answer:

  • What's the reach of TV and other media in 2021?
  • How did the pandemic impact our media time, and activities?
  • What's the state of linear vs. streamed TV around the world?
  • What part does social media play, in 2021?

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