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Why GWI?

Success story

We always try to use the best data sources. Our go-to is GWI.

Using data science to accurately quantify the return of partnership investments, this clever consultancy used GWI to analyze a partnership in a matter of hours. Their data-led recommendations revealed how to engage fans across countries, which partnerships the client needed to drop, and where to drive more investment to achieve growth.

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We’ve had countless discussions where this data has proved invaluable.

City Football Group

If it wasn't for GWI, we wouldn't have been able to do that deal. It was integral, not just valuable.


It enabled us to get into the data fast, and dig deep to build the intelligence we needed.


Consumer behaviors change so fast. GWI helps us stay up to date.


GWI helps us drive business growth with deeper insight.

BBC Global News

In consumer research, the question is always how fast you can get the data across, and that’s a great strength of GWI.


How well do you know your fans? Let’s find out.

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